Do You Want to Feel...
- At ease in your body
- Relief from chronic pain or tension
- Peaceful, centered, and balanced
- In touch with the Real You that so often gets covered up by the stress of everyday life?
So often we get off balance, living busy lives and we forget how to take care of ourselves. It doesn't take much to come back home to yourself. Treat yourself to a session with me and by the end you'll be feeling calm, restored, revitalized, and ready to greet the world again with open arms.
Go ahead. You deserve it.
My styles and services will always be tailored to your specific and unique needs. Each style can stand alone or be combined with others to more completely suit you.
- The Trager Approach™
- CranioSacral
- Blend with some massage mixed in to Trager as needed
- Skin Care
Contact me
Please let me know if you'd like to experience my work by calling me at (707) 529-2819 Or contacting me through this site. Thanks for your interest.
Don't put off feeling better any longer.
Schedule a session now,
and get the relief you've been longing for...
Who I Am
Deirdre Hormel, CMT
Trager™ Practitioner
Offices in Oakland, CA and Sebastopol, CA
I was certified in Swedish massage in 1978, and have been in practice continuously since then. I began to study the Trager™ Approach in 1980, and became a Trager Practitioner in 1991. I continue to deepen my knowledge and experience with Trager, refining my understanding of the interplay of our nerves, muscles, and movements as they interact with our social and psychological conditioning. The Trager Approach touches the person on many levels and helps deepen their awareness of who they are. My approach is gentle, and with my perceptive touch I provide an atmosphere of relaxation, safety, and acceptance.
I bring several techniques to my practice, and most recently have begun training in the Upledger style of Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST). To date I have completed 5 levels of training.
I am also a licensed Esthetician, graduating in 2000 from Le Melange Academy in Napa, CA. I opened my private skin care practice in Sepastopol, CA, alongside my Trager practice. I use a natural skin care line with ingredients designed to cleanse and revitalize your skin, helping to reverse the degenerating effects of environmental pollution, stress, and aging.
Testimonial for Deirdre Hormel
I have been seeing Deirdre for bodywork for the last 13 years. I love her combination of modalities which really work for me and my various ailments. Her intuitive and compassionate approach to my body and being, allow me to feel fully safe and cared for. I trust her completely! I am always sure that I’ll feel deep relaxation and healing at the end of my sessions. I fully intend to continue seeing her
long into the future!
Wendy Evans, Sebastopol
I discovered Deirdre in January of 2016 after months of debilitating back pain, complications from painkillers and fear of surgery. Within one treatment the pain was reduced by half, I was able to stop taking medication and could sleep through the night. Several more sessions encouraged healing to a point where I could exercise again. As a regular patient I’ve come to value Deirdre’s attentiveness and gentle approach as she facilitates rapid recovery and improves my quality of life.
John Charlwood, Oakland
My acupuncturist recommended Deirdre and the Trager Method to me.
I was desperate, as I had been suffering with chronic pain in my ankle, and knee for far too long. I was also very skeptical, as I had tried other modalities with little to no relief.
When I first entered Deirdre’s home, I was enchanted by the beauty that surrounded me, lovely art and sculpture perfectly placed and a curly haired smiling woman who was to become my healer.
After just one session my skepticism began to melt away as did my pain.
I have had three sessions with Deirdre and my feet are now touching the ground like a feather instead of blocks of concrete.
I will continue to see this amazing healing woman and highly recommend her to anyone seeking relief from pain and discomfort.
Deborah Rogers
A sentence or two describing this item.Jason Cotton testimonial
I have been seeing Deirdre Hormel for bodywork for over a year now, typically every two weeks. Our sessions consist primarily of Trager, with some foot reflexology at the end. I am a 63-year-old male in good health, with no chronic pain issues outside of occasional lower back tightness. Having availed myself of some form of bodywork for most of my adult life, I find that it promotes flexibility, relaxation, and a general sense of well-being. The therapy itself also just feels great, and helps to keep mind and body connected.
Deirdre is one of the best bodywork practitioners I've ever had the pleasure of seeing.
She is highly versatile and skilled in a number of different disciplines, and will help you find the one or ones that are most effective for you. Deirdre is intelligent, personable, sensitive, and empathetic. She converses about your general status and any specific needs before the session begins, and often solicits feedback during it. Over the months, she has become very attuned to my body and its needs.
Deirdre does bodywork in her tastefully-appointed living room, and her massage table is supremely comfortable. It's a wonderful, relaxing setting, which I look forward to visiting before every session! I should also note that Deirdre's rates are quite reasonable, and I always feel I get my money's worth, and then some.
In summary, Deirdre has my unqualified endorsement as a superb and gifted bodyworker. Highly recommended to anyone!
I have been visiting Deirdre regularly for body work for over 10 years. She is a miracle worker, who has enabled me to continue to work hard and play hard without wrecking my body or being in constant discomfort.
When I first started seeing her, I was struggling with a frozen shoulder and years-old muscle tension in my shoulders, upper back, and neck. It had gotten so bad that I was often uncomfortable during the day, and my arms and hands frequently became numb while I was sleeping (which interfered with my sleep). I had previously gone to see many other massage therapists, who made me feel great during the massage, but the beneficial effects evaporated within an hour or two of the appointment. Deirdre's combination of Trager bodywork and massage has the amazing effect of providing relief for 1-3 weeks after my appointments with her!
I not only feel tension release and relaxation when I'm with her, but also for weeks afterwards, which she explains is due to Trager's effect of neuromuscular repatterning that helps my brain and nerves to reset and let go for long term relief. Deirdre has also helped me identify some of the causes of the tension and has suggested some approaches I can use at home and at work to help reduce the build-up of tension during my everyday activities (work, chores, exercise, etc.). She has also taught me some anatomy and physiology, and has helped me become more in tune with my body.
Over the years, Deirdre has also helped me with other ailments, like plantar fasciitis and various other overuse discomforts in various body parts. She frequently invites input and feedback, so that she can tailor the bodywork to the individual and to the needs of the day, from choosing the music, to the balance of chatting and silence, to asking how I feel and what body part craves more attention. She is also generous with her time, often unhurriedly inquiring before and after the session how I'm feeling, and sometimes working on me for a bit longer than I expected. I strongly recommend Deirdre to my friends and family!
Jennie Alexich
After 12 years, I still see Deirdre every other week, because my body gets more and more out of the treatment she provides as the years go by. I find my range of motion continues to expand and becomes more and more fluid.
I have had neck and upper back issues for most of my adult life due to a sedentary career. Trager body work makes a huge difference in my ability to move comfortably, in spite of sitting for much of every day. It also makes my exercise program and recreational activities more fun and beneficial.
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